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    'Praying is Partner-ing With God'
    by Travis Wiginton 

    It is a great day in our Christian pilgrimage whenever we realize that we are partners with God..but He is to be in control.
    God wants us (and urges us) to be prayer partners with Him!

    You have probably experienced it as well as I, finding that satan fights us hardest.....
    at the point of prayer!
    I was taught well about Prayer from my college pastor, Dr. E.F. 'Preacher' Hallock.
    I later served with him as his campus pastor @ Oklahoma University.

    'Preacher' wrote a wonderful book entitled, "Prayer and Promises".....the theme of most of his sermons during his 50+years as pastor of FBC Norman, Okla.
    Our family has tried to make Prayer and Promises from God's Word, key in our own lives.

    Prayer was first in 'Preacher's life! He believed that when we pray, we get what God can do. When we do not Pray, we get only what WE can do!

    ~ OPPORTUNITY given by God, so don't let it pass by without using.

    ~ ONENESS with God, but always remember that HE is 'boss'.

    ~ OPENNESS to God like a phone call, but don't hang up on what He has to share!
    "Be still and know that He is God"

    ~ OBEDIENCE toward God.
    God said it.....I believe it, that settles it....and I will obey!

    ~ OPTIMISTIC about God and His power to answer!
    Remember, His timing is always best and comes when needed.
    He can give you patience! We are to walk by Faith, not sight.

    ~ a COMMAND....please obey!
    ~ a CRY that will be heard by your Heavenly Father!
    ~ a CONFESSION that brings salvation, forgiveness and if needed, restoration.

    Someone called Prayer "the breathing of the Soul"

    PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION are such blessings for our spirit....and for the aid of others.
    It means a lot to hear someone say, "I'm praying for you".

    For PRAYER to be effective, it must be a commitment.
    The Lord's Prayer teaches this by leading us to say,
    "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven".

    A part of this commitment is cooperation as we are laborers together with God.
    Also remember, your PRAYERS must mean something to you.....
    if they are to mean much to God.
    Remember also that your future is as bright as the promises of God.

    So get to know God, The Promiser....then know well His Word, The Book of Promises!

    Please make EVERY DAY a Day of PRAYER!

    Travis Wiggington is a Writer@ Faith and Retired Pastor/Missionary along with his wife LaMoyne.