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Pioneer Evangelical Church Pioneer Evangelical Church

Photo Gallery: Campout 2011 Photo Gallery: Campout 2011

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Campout 2011

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Beautiful Whelan Island

This was the view from our campsite looking North - Northwest!

Viewed 3041 times
Camp Williams - Population 3

This tent sort of worked, but these guys were troopers!

Viewed 3077 times
Camp Cummins

Doug, Sharon and Molly!

Viewed 3060 times
Going To The Dogs

Pioneer Campers brought their Pioneer dogs - from large to small, from old to young, we had it covered!

Viewed 3173 times
Camp Albright!

Pioneer Sunday School teacher emeitus, Ann Albright, (and Amelia Wytoski's Great-Grandma)!

Viewed 3000 times
Camp Wytoski - Population 3

Amelia's Parents (need I say more?)!

Viewed 3057 times
Camp Upmeyer - Population 3 to 11

This was the camp-kid's favorite place!

Viewed 2985 times
Going Clamming!

Little did these intrepid clammers know, but they were going to limit out (even the youngsters usuing their hands)!

Viewed 3000 times
Grandpa Richard and Corey

Rich Upmeyer with Granddaughter Corey and his dog Sadie returning from clamming!

Viewed 3053 times
THIS is what camping is about! REST - RESTORE and RECHARGE!
Viewed 2973 times
Camp Upmeyer and Camp Hopper

These tents did not leak (unlike some of the kids!)!

Viewed 3175 times
Wheylan Island!

Looking due West from the island's bridge at "Camp Pioneer"!

Viewed 3093 times
Rainy Day Camp Activities!

Rainy day fun! Sherry, Charlie and Corey draw under the watchful eye of Corey and Charlie's grandma, Angela Upmeyer!

Viewed 3048 times
Beautiful Wheylan Island!

Even in the rain, the smiles outnumber the frowns!

Viewed 2915 times
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